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CH Slash V (George's) Rocky Top

Sire of CH Slash V Little Rock CD, Hall of Fame Sire
CH Slash V On The Rocks
CH Slash V Brimstone
Slash V Chocobear OTDc
Slash V Steel Curtain STDsc, 10 conf pts

Rocky worked silently and would work farther from us than any of our other dogs at the time. Used solely to run cattle off irrigated alfalfa fields and back onto feeding grounds, sometimes more than a mile. Tough on cows and wouldn’t touch a calf. One bad habit - tail biting which was very effective but not socially acceptable. Loose-eyed worker. Friendly dog and in fact would “protect” people from Tim Tim in our yard. Rocky was 21” and a little over 50 pounds.

Randy and Rocky

Randy, Rocky, Scott

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